Summer Magic ("Edgar")
Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
AIR ELEMENTAL 3UU Summon Elemental (4/4) Flying These spirits of the air are winsome and wild, and cannot be truly contained. Only marginally intelligent, they often substitute whimsy for strategy, delighting in mischief and mayhem. |
ALADDIN'S LAMP 10 Artifact X,T: Instead of drawing a card from the top of your library, draw X cards but choose only one to put in your hand. You must shuffle the leftover cards and put them at the bottom of your library. |
ALADDIN'S RING 8 Artifact 8,T: Aladdin's Ring does 4 damage to any target. "After these words the magician drew a ring off his finger, and put it on one of Aladdin's, saying: 'It is a talisman against all evil, so long as you obey me.'" —The Arabian Nights, Junior Classics trans. |
Richard Thomas | Mark Tedin | Dan Frazier |
ANIMATE ARTIFACT 3U Enchant Artifact Target artifact is now an artifact creature with both power and toughness equal to its casting cost; target retains all its original abilities as well. Has no effect on artifact creatures. |
ANIMATE DEAD 1B Enchant Dead Creature Any creature in any graveyard comes into play on your side with -1 to its original power. At end of game, or if this enchantment is discarded without removing target creature from play, target creature is returned to its owner's graveyard. Target creature may be killed as normal. |
ANIMATE WALL W Enchant Wall Target wall can now attack. Target wall's power and toughness are unchanged by this enchantment, even if its power is 0. |
Douglas Shuler | Anson Maddocks | Dan Frazier |
ANKH OF MISHRA 2 Artifact Ankh does 2 damage to anyone who puts a new land into play. |
ARMAGEDDON 3W Sorcery All lands in play are destroyed. |
ARMAGEDDON CLOCK 6 Artifact Put one counter on Armageddon Clock during each of your upkeeps. At the end of your upkeep, each player takes damage equal to the number of counters on the Clock. Any player may spend 4 during any upkeep to remove a counter. |
Amy Weber | Jesper Myrfors | Amy Weber |
ASPECT OF WOLF 1G Enchant Creature Target creature's power and toughness are increased by half the number of forests you have in play, rounding down for power and up for toughness. |
ATOG 1G Summon Atog (1/2) 0: +2/+2. Each time you use this ability, you must sacrifice one of your artifacts in play. The bane of all artificers, the legendary Atogs devoured intricate tools to further their own twisted growth. |
BAD MOON 1B Enchantment All black creatures in play gain +1/+1. |
Jeff A. Menges | Jesper Myrfors | Jesper Myrfors |
BADLANDS Land T: Add either R or B to your mana pool. Counts as both mountains and swamp and is affected by spells that affect either. If a spell destroys one of these land types, this card is destroyed; if a spell alters one of these land types, the other land type is unaffected. |
BALANCE 1W Sorcery Whichever player has more lands in play must discard enough lands of his or her choice to equalize the number of lands both players have in play. Next, equalize the cards in hand and then creatures in play the same way. Creatures lost in this manner are considered buried. |
BASALT MONOLITH 3 Artifact T: Add 3 colorless mana to your mana pool. Does not untap as normal during untap phase; you may spend 3 at any other time to untap. Drawing mana from this artifact is played as an interrupt. |
Rob Alexander | Mark Poole | Jesper Myrfors |
BAYOU Land T: Add either B or G to your mana pool. Counts as both swamp and forest and is affected by spells that affect either. If a spell destroys one of these land types, this card is destroyed; if a spell alters one of these land types, the other land type is unaffected. |
BENALISH HERO W Summon Hero (1/1) Bands Benalia has a complex cast system that changes with the lunar year. No matter what the season, the only cast that cannot be attained by either heredity or money is that of the hero. |
BIRDS OF PARADISE G Summon Mana Birds (0/1) Flying T: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
Jesper Myrfors | Douglas Shuler | Mark Poole |