Summer Magic ("Edgar")
Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
DWARVEN WARRIORS 2R Summon Dwarves (1/1) T: Make a creature of power no greater than 2 unblockable until end of turn. Other cards may later be used to increase target creature’s power beyond 2. |
DWARVEN WEAPONSMITH 1R Summon Dwarves (1/1) T: During your upkeep, add a permanent +1/+1 counter to any creature. Each time you use this ability, you must sacrifice one of your artifacts in play. "Work with zeal as hammers peal! Melt, anneal, and pound the steel!" —Old Dwarvish forge-chant |
EARTH ELEMENTAL 3RR Summon Elemental (4/5) Earth Elementals have the eternal strength of stone and the endurance of mountains. Primordially connected to the land they inhabit, they take a long-term view of things, scoring the impetuous haste of short-lived mortal creatures. |
Douglas Shuler | Mark Poole | Dan Frazier |
EARTHBIND R Enchant Creature If cast on a flying creature, Earthbind removes flying ability and does 2 damage to target creature; this damage occurs only once, at the time Earthbind is cast. If another spell or effect later gives target creature flying ability, Earthbind does not affect this. Earthbind has no effect on non-flying creatures. |
EARTHQUAKE XR Sorcery Does X damage to each player and each non-flying creature in play. |
EBONY HORSE 3 Artifact 2,T: Remove one of your attacking creatures from combat. Treat this as if the creature never attacked, except that defenders assigned to block it cannot choose to block another creature. |
Quinton Hoover | Dan Frazier | Dameon Willich |
EL-HAJJÂJ 1BB Summon El-Hajjâj (1/1) You gain 1 life for every point of damage El-Hajjâj inflicts. |
ELVISH ARCHERS 1G Summon Elves (2/1) First strike I tell you, there was so many arrows flying about you couldn't hardly see the sun. So I says to young Angus, "Well, at least now we're fighting in the shade!" |
ENERGY FLUX 2U Enchantment All artifacts in play now require an upkeep cost of 2 in addition to any other upkeep costs they may have. If the upkeep cost for an artifact is not paid, the artifact must be discarded. |
Dameon Willich | Anson Maddocks | Kaja Foglio |
ERG RAIDERS 1B Summon Raiders (2/3) If you do not attack with Raiders, they do 2 damage to you at end of turn. Raiders do no damage to you during the turn in which they are summoned. |
EVIL PRESENCE B Enchant Land Target land is now a basic swamp. |
EYE FOR AN EYE WW Instant Can only be cast when a creature, spell, or effect does damage to you. Eye for an Eye does equal amount of damage to the controller of that creature, spell, or effect. If some spell or effect reduces the amount of damage you receive, it does not reduce the damage dealt by Eye for an Eye. |
Dameon Willich | Sandra Everingham | Mark Poole |
FARMSTEAD WWW Enchant Land Target land's controller gains 1 life if WW is spent during controller's upkeep. You cannot gain more than 1 life each turn through this enchantment. |
FASTBOND G Enchantment You may put as many lands into play as you want each turn. Fastbond does 1 damage to you for every land beyond the first that you play in a single turn. |
FEAR BB Enchant Creature Target creature cannot be blocked by any creatures except black creatures and artifact creatures. |
Mark Poole | Mark Poole | Mark Poole |
FEEDBACK 2U Enchant Enchantment Feedback does 1 damage to controller of target enchantment during its controller's upkeep. |
FIRE ELEMENTAL 3RR Summon Elemental (5/4) Fire Elementals are ruthless infernos, annihilating and consuming their foes in a frenzied holocaust. Crackling and blazing, they sear swift, terrible paths, leaving the land charred and scorched in their wake. |
FIREBALL XR Sorcery Fireball does X damage total, divided evenly (round down) among any number of targets. Pay 1 extra mana for each target beyond the first. |
Quinton Hoover | Melissa Benson | Mark Tedin |