Summer Magic ("Edgar")
Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
CIRCLE OF PROTECTION: RED 1W Enchantment 1: Prevents all damage against you from one red source. If a source does damage to you more than once in a turn, you must pay 1 mana each time you want to prevent the damage. |
CIRCLE OF PROTECTION: WHITE 1W Enchantment 1: Prevents all damage against you from one white source. If a source does damage to you more than once in a turn, you must pay 1 mana each time you want to prevent the damage. |
CLOCKWORK BEAST 6 Artifact Creature (0/4) Put seven +1/+0 counters on Beast. After Beast attacks or blocks a creature, discard a counter. During the upkeep phase, controller may buy back lost counters for 1 per counter; this taps Beast. |
Mark Tedin | Douglas Shuler | Drew Tucker |
CLONE 3U Summon Clone (*/*) Upon summoning, Clone acquires all characteristics, including color, of any one creature in play on either side; any creature enchantments on original creature are not copied. Clone retains these characteristics even after original creature is destroyed. Clone cannot be summoned if there are no creatures in play. |
COCKATRICE 3GG Summon Cockatrice (2/4) Flying Any non-wall creature blocking Cockatrice is destroyed, as is any creature blocked by Cockatrice. Creatures destroyed in this way deal their damage before dying. |
CONSERVATOR 4 Artifact 3,T: Prevent the loss of up to 2 life. |
Julie Baroh | Dan Frazier | Amy Weber |
CONTRACT FROM BELOW B Sorcery Discard your current hand and draw eight new cards, adding the first drawn to your ante. Remove this card from your deck before playing if you are not playing for ante. |
CONTROL MAGIC 2UU Enchant Creature You control target creature until enchantment is discarded or game ends. If target creature is already tapped it stays tapped until you can untap it. If destroyed, target creature is put in its owner's graveyard. |
CONVERSION 2WW Enchantment All mountains are considered basic plains while Conversion is in play. Pay WW during upkeep or Conversion is discarded. |
Douglas Shuler | Dameon Willich | Jesper Myrfors |
COPY ARTIFACT 1U Enchantment Select any artifact in play. This enchantment acts as a duplicate of that artifact; it is affected by cards that affect either enchantments or artifacts. The copy remains even if the original artifact is destroyed. Enchantments on the original artifact are not copied. |
COUNTERSPELL UU Interrupt Counters target spell as it is being cast. |
CRAW WURM 4GG Summon Wurm (6/4) The most terrifying thing about the Craw Wurm is probably the horrible crashing sound it makes as it speeds through the forest. This noise is so loud that it echoes through the trees and seems to come from all directions at once. |
Amy Weber | Mark Poole | Daniel Gelon |
CREATURE BOND 1U Enchant Creature If target creature is placed in the graveyard, Creature Bond does an amount of damage equal to creature's toughness to creature's controller. |
CRUMBLE G Instant Buries target artifact. Artifact's controller gains life points equal to target artifact's casting cost. The spirits of Argoth grant new life to those who repent the folly of enslaving their labors to devices. |
CRUSADE WW Enchantment All white creatures gain +1/+1. |
Anson Maddocks | Jesper Myrfors | Mark Poole |
CRYSTAL ROD 1 Artifact 1: Any blue spell cast gives you 1 life. Can only give 1 life each time a blue spell is cast. |
CURSED LAND 2BB Enchant Land Cursed Land does 1 damage to target land's controller during his or her upkeep. |
DANCING SCIMITAR 4 Artifact Creature (1/5) Flying Bobbing merrily from opponent to opponent, the scimitar began adding playful little flourishes to its strokes; it even turned a couple of somersaults. |
Amy Weber | Jesper Myrfors | Anson Maddocks |