Summer Magic ("Edgar")
Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
SERENDIB EFREET 2U Summon Efreet (3/4) Flying Serendib Efreet does 1 damage to you during your upkeep. |
SERRA ANGEL 3WW Summon Angel (4/4) Flying Attacking does not cause Serra Angel to tap. Born with wings of light and a sword of faith, this heavenly incarnation embodies both fury and purity. |
SHANODIN DRYADS G Summon Nymphs (1/1) Forestwalk Moving without sound, swift figures pass through branches and undergrowth completely unhindered. One with the trees around them, the Dryads of Shanodin Forest are seen only when they wish to be. |
Jesper Myrfors (sic) | Douglas Shuler | Anson Maddocks |
SHATTER 1R Instant Shatter destroys target artifact. |
SHATTERSTORM 2RR Sorcery All artifacts in play are buried. Chains of leaping fire and sizzling lightning laid waste the artificer's handiwork, sparing not a single device. |
SHIVAN DRAGON 4RR Summon Dragon (5/5) Flying, R: +1/+0 While it's true most Dragons are cruel, the Shivan Dragon seems to take particular glee in the misery of others, often tormenting its victims must like a cat plays with a mouse before delivering the final blow. |
Amy Weber | Mark Poole | Melissa Benson |
SIMULACRUM 1B Instant All damage done to you so far this turn is instead retroactively applied to one of your creatures in play. Even if there's more than enough damage to kill the creature, you don't suffer any of it. Further damage this turn is treated normally. |
SIREN'S CALL U Instant All of opponent's creatures that can attack must do so. Any non-wall creatures that cannot attack are killed at end of turn. Can be played only during opponent's turn, before opponent's attack. Creatures summoned this turn are unaffected by Siren's Call. |
SLEIGHT OF MIND U Interrupt Change the text of any card being played or already in play by replacing one color word with another. For example, you can change "Counters red spells" to "Counters black spells." Sleight of Mind cannot change mana symbols. |
Mark Poole | Anson Maddocks | Mark Poole |
SMOKE RR Enchantment Each player can only untap one creature during his or her untap phase. |
SOL RING 1 Artifact T: Add 2 colorless mana to your mana pool. This ability is played as an interrupt. |
SORCERESS QUEEN 1BB Summon Sorceress (1/1) T: Make another creature 0/2 until end of turn. Treat this exactly as if the numbers in the lower right of the target card were 0/2. All special characteristics and enchantments on the creature are unaffected. |
Jesper Myrfors | Mark Tedin | Kaja Foglio |
SOUL NET 1 Artifact 1: You gain 1 life every time a creature in placed in the graveyard. Can only give 1 life each time a creature is placed in the graveyard. |
SPELL BLAST XU Interrupt Target spell is countered; X is casting cost of target spell. |
STASIS 1U Enchantment Players do not get an untap phase. Pay U during your upkeep or Stasis is destroyed; cards still do not untap until the next untap phase. |
Dameon Willich | Brian Snōddy | Fay Jones |
STEAL ARTIFACT 2UU Enchant Artifact You control target artifact until enchantment is discarded or game ends. If target artifact was tapped when stolen, it stays tapped until you can untap it. If destroyed, target artifact is put in its owner's graveyard. |
STONE GIANT 2RR Summon Giant (3/4) T: Make one of your own creatures a flying creature until end of turn. Target creature, which must have toughness less than Stone Giant's power at the time it gains flying ability, is killed at end of turn. What goes up, must come down. |
STONE RAIN 2R Sorcery Destroys any one land. |
Amy Weber | Dameon Willich | Daniel Gelon |